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April 22, 2009 Circulation Report

Figures noted in bold below compare this report to figures from the March 11, 2009 report. The site's provider only has statistics up to April 16, so the last seven days stats are below normal, hence the average figure calculated and added below.

General Summary
1. Host name
2. Host URL
3. Program start time Apr 16, 2009 22:18
4. Time of first request Aug 9, 2006 02:35
5. Time of last request Apr 16, 2009 23:56
6. Time last 7 days lasts until Apr 16, 2009 22:18
7. Successful server requests 418,261 Requests (last count, 3/10/09: 395,094)
8. Successful requests in last 7 days 3,745 Requests (average of about 4,633 per week for 5 weeks since 3/10/09)
9. Logfile lines without status code 71,094 Lines
10. Logfile lines without status code in last 7 days 0 Lines
11. Successful requests for pages 277,391 Requests for pages

(last count, 3/10/09: 262,481)

12. Successful requests for pages in last 7 days 1,987 Requests for pages (average of 2,982 per week for 5 weeks since 3/10/09)
13. Distinct files requested 2,022 Files
14. Distinct files requested in last 7 days 523 Files
15. Distinct hosts served 52,073 Hosts
16. Distinct hosts served in last 7 days 954 Hosts
17. Unwanted lines in the logfile 1,285 Lines
18. Total data transferred 12.724 GB
19. Total data transferred in last 7 days 188.788 MB


Page hits report:

Following is a count of the pages that had the top numbers of hits on the site, cumulatively, as of April 16. Pictures and other items like sitemaps and directories that registered counts are omitted. Items in bold are noted because they passed others in rank and/or had a notable increase since last month.

4./index.htm    17,464
8./sketch_perform2.htm    5,044
9./aboutjesteralt.htm    4,359
10./heckler.htm    3,900 (passed #11, was at 3,645)
11./improv_performances.htm    3,814 (was 3,686)
12./interviews.htm    3,160
13./demetrimartin.htm    2,909
14./mishnawolff2.htm    2,749
15./dougbenson.htm    2,216 (was #16)
16./joerogancd.htm    2,158
17./intsanders.htm    2,059
18./intmantzoukas.htm    2,041
19./martinbook.htm    2,009 (up from #21)
20./snl06sofar.htm    1,975
21./television.htm    1,938
22./riggle707.htm    1,880
24./horatiosanzxmas.htm    1,774
25./demetrimartinperson.htm    1,730 (was #29)
27./chrisfarleyshow.htm    1,717 (was #32)
29./ucbseason2dvd.htm    1,708
31./hodgman.htm    1,651
32./freshmeat.htm    1,650
33./billburr.htm    1,603
34./whitestkids.htm    1,528
35./intdrysdale.htm    1,515
37./pryorkenney.htm    1,444
38./jimnortonbook.htm    1,418
39./filmtv.htm    1,416
40./dropsix.htm    1,407
41./ucbla-assscat.htm    1,387
42./tituscd.htm    1,383 (was #48 with 1,228 hits)
43./lynchreview.htm    1,364
44./kevinda.htm    1,314
45./danecookcd.htm    1,310
46./showgirls.htm    1,309
49./snl07sofar.htm    1,295
53./intsurovell.htm    1,241
56./book+reviews.htm    1,232
58./weirdass705-2.htm    1,219
59./buffoons.htm    1,205
60./artie+lange.htm    1,190 (was #67 with 1,074 hits)
61./harsh.htm    1,185
64./intbonnee.htm    1,138

66./nickswardson.htm     1,123
68./bamfordcd.htm     1,082
70./dovdavidoffcd.htm     1,043
71./intbuteau.htm     1,037
73./cleanestriver.htm     1,033
74./stella.htm     1,027
75./billburr08.htm     1,025




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