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November 23, 2009 Circulation Report

The server requests and requests for pages, both cumulatively and on average per week, continued to increase since the last report, October 15.

General Summary
1. Host name
2. Host URL
3. Program start time Nov 22, 2009 20:29
4. Time of first request Jan 1, 2009 00:04
5. Time of last request Nov 22, 2009 23:59
6. Time last 7 days lasts until Nov 22, 2009 20:29
7. Successful server requests 227,622 Requests (31,798 since last report, just over 5 weeks prior; greater average per week)
8. Successful requests in last 7 days 5,632 Requests (5,310 on last report)
9. Logfile lines without status code 12,114 Lines
10. Logfile lines without status code in last 7 days 0 Lines
11. Successful requests for pages 134,274 Requests for pages (17,008 since last report)
12. Successful requests for pages in last 7 days 2,966 Requests for pages (2,820 on last report)
13. Distinct files requested 2,045 Files
14. Distinct files requested in last 7 days 530 Files
15. Distinct hosts served 37,357 Hosts
16. Distinct hosts served in last 7 days 1,197 Hosts
17. Unwanted lines in the logfile 1,109 Lines
18. Total data transferred 14.453 GB
19. Total data transferred in last 7 days 642.681 MB


Page hits report:

Numbers in parentheses point to the figure for that page on previous report of October 15. Bolded figures are large gains, passing other pages. Also note the rank numbers order omits some numbers because I have removed figures that were only for clicks on illustrations or photos, not full pages. Also have added for the record the numbers of hits for the "From the Jester Files" event calendars, the newest feature on the site. October's calendar scored the most hits so far.

A review of Christopher Titus' CD continues to gain hits. From July's Montreal Just For Laughs festival coverage, the review of Kate MiCucci passed the review of Jim Breuer's documentary, showing continued interest in her performance.

2./index.htm 10,972

8./sketch_perform2.htm 1,635 (1,439)

10./aboutjesteralt.htm 1,553 (1,371)

11./tituscd.htm 1,461 (1,308)

12./mishnawolff2.htm 1,429 (1,343)

13./interviews.htm 1,318 (1,134)

14./improv_performances.htm 1,301 (1,128)

16./chrisfarleyshow.htm 1,275 (1,120)

17./artie+lange.htm 1,241

18./filmtv.htm 1,201

19./heckler.htm 1,189

22./sarahsilvermanprogram.htm 1,160 (927)

25./billburr08.htm 1,063

26./showgirls.htm 1,055 (802)

27./book+reviews.htm 1,042

29./intsanders.htm 974 (790)

30./learybook.htm 926

31./belzerbook.htm 923

33./intmantzoukas.htm 873

36./intnorton.htm 821

37./ronnabeverly.htm 821 (643)

38./martinbook.htm 791

39./danecookcd.htm 760 (638)

40./zachg92ytribeca.htm 740

41./92yfinnegan.htm 715

42./dovdavidoffcd.htm 714

43./billburr.htm 703

44./riggle707.htm 698

45./schaalbraunohler.htm 659

46./snl07sofar.htm 657

48./intmantzoukas2.htm 628

49./links.htm 624 (478 -- not shown on last report)

50./demetrimartin.htm 607

52./intdrysdale.htm 600

53./davehil09.htm 594

54./schaal.htm 589

55./miblackbook.htm 588

59./demetrimartinperson.htm 551

60./horatiosanzxmas.htm 549

61./wilmorebook.htm 542

62./ucbseason2dvd.htm 528

63./flashesquincyskinner.htm 525

64./ucbla-assscat.htm 522

67./pryorkenney.htm 517

68./lynchreview.htm 517

69./reeses.htm 510

71./dougbenson.htm 506

73./beckydrysdale.htm 499

75./intflorentine.htm 490

76./richardlewis.htm 483

77./jimnortonbook.htm 480

78./bamfordcd.htm 478

79./intwsmith.htm 475

80./buddysystem.htm 469

81./bamford09cd.htm 465

82./winsteadshow.htm 464

83./intparham.htm 461

84./intzebrowski1.htm 460

85./scottellie2.htm 457

86./92ysdeathray.htm 456

88./intallen.htm 448

89./intdrysdale2.htm 448

90./cosby409.htm 446

91./snl08sofar.htm 444

92./celebrityautobio.htm 441

93./boomchicago.htm 439

94./intgoan.htm 437

95./intcolemanerokan.htm 427

96./whitestkids.htm 427

97./barrycd.htm 421

98./robertkellycd.htm 421

99./intlazarus1.htm 417

100./hodgman.htm 417

101./kidcraig.htm 413

102./shutuphateyou.htm 412

103./lennonparham.htm 412

104./buffoons.htm 410

106./hodgmanbook08.htm 409

110./intwcummings.htm 406

111./secrethospital.htm 401

113./danagould.htm 398

115./danecookisin.htm 391

118./daveattell2005.htm 382

120./josielong.htm 379

123./daveethan.htm 373


Montreal festival stories:

141./jfl09-micucci.htm 334 (203)

152./jfl09-breuerfilm.htm 319 (226)

192./jfl-09judygold.htm 275 (190)

273./jfl09-funnypeople.htm 220 (190)

426./jfl09-ucbfacebook.htm    136 (102)

468./jfl-09lateshow.htm 100 (72)

475./jfl09-yashere.htm 95 (66)


From the Jester Files event calendars:

291./oct09calendar.htm 210

329./sep09calendar.htm 192

515./nov09calendar.htm 70




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